This morning, I woke up at 6am. My alarm was set for 7:30, so I didn’t appreciate my bladder waking up before it was supposed to. I went pee and then went back to sleep. I finally awoke to my alarm, like a regular young person. I’m TOO young to be having to pee all night long. At least it was only once, and I did get 7 straight hours in first.
7:30 my alarm went off and the first thing I thought about was…I gotta pee again. Darn it! But after that…I walked carefully to the ladies lounge. Carefully not because I needed to be quiet…but more because I was scared. You know, the first night of having a new pet is always a scary one. (or at least I would think so…I only ever owned fish…I don’t really care for anything with fur) I wanted to see if Jezebel and Delilah had made it through the night! I crept to the door and slowly peeked my head around the corner. YAY…no floaters!!!! They were there like good little girls. Just hanging out on the bottom of the bowls. I said good morning, made sure they were still alive and kicking…or…flipping? Fed those ladies and then went to take a shower.
See my friends, class starts at 8am, but on Thursdays, which are sort of my new favorite, I don’t have a first period class, so I get to sleep in and enjoy the bathroom all to myself and the dorm is quiet and lovely. I showered, came back to my room and blasted my music and started to get ready.
Then it dawned on me…I wonder if they put away the breakfast stuff after 8am cause people are supposed to be in class and done with breakfast…hhmm..i better go check. So I put my sweats on and went downstairs. Bingo! It was still there! I made me some toast, cause here at CTS you can’t have enough bread in your body apparently and smothered it in peanut butter (i needed the protein) then went back to my room.
I dried my hair and then sat down to check my email. I had plugged in my straight iron while I checked my email so that it could warm up a bit. I got done with my email and went to use the flat iron and gosh darn it…i forgot to turn it ON! So….i spent 5 minutes on facebook while it heated up. Then I quickly finished my hair, changed into real clothes and headed out to class.
Side note: I have decided that I no longer want to afford make-up. It’s expensive, and annoying. So. I have stopped wearing it. Sort of. I have been here exactly one week as of last night, and I have put on my make-up only once. And that was just cause I had to get up in front of chapel and read a story, in the dark chapel, where nobody can see you anyways so really it didn’t matter. Anyways, I have used my mascara like twice, and my chap stick like once…and THAT IS IT!
end side note.
PS to the side note: I think that if ever get a zit…I would most likely wear make-up. But I have not had one in about a month, so….i don’t know when that time will come, I just want to cover my butt now…I’m not saying that I will never ever forever more not wear make-up, I’m just saying that once a week is way more than is needed. Right now.
End side note: f’r real!
Where was i….
Going to classes…right!
So I left my room. Now I was headed to English class and then after that I had another free period, so I only brought my book and a pencil. Not my backpack with everything in it. I guess I was not in the mood. We are working on spelling in English class. It’s very interesting, cause, well…I’m a horrible speller. I hate it. I don’t’ know where I would be without spell check and honestly, sometime I even get words wrong WITH spell check…they give you choices…and…well….reasonable deduction is not really my thing.
We did the assignmen then dragged out the lecture so that she would not assign us anything else.
Then it was chapel. Nothing really to say about that. It was good. We had two missionary girls speak. They are from the states and are fully appointed missionaries. One girl is 26 and the other is 23. They live up towards Jo-burg. I was proud of them, and they sort of inspired me a bit. They did a good job.
After Chapel, it is tea time, so I went, grabbed my muffin and coffee and headed upstairs.
Do you know what? In the lounge, right on the table, was a tin of rusks from Emily! What a sweetheart! I LOVE her rusks and boy oh boy these were good ones! Anyways, so I put my coffee down, cause there was nobody else in the lunge and went to my room and got a bag. I then proceeded to put 10 of them (the rusks)in the bag and then put them in my room and then came back and sat in the lounge eating the ones still in the tin..cause, well, I wasn’t’ ready to eat my stash yet. Besides, there were like 40 of them! And they are my favorite! And nobody had seen them yet so they didn’t know how many were there to begin with! Gosh!
Then I looked over and Jezebel was staring out her bowl at me…and then I thought…well…yeah, this is something YOU would do….what is this Bible school doing to me! And yet…I just kept sitting there eating them out of the tin. A few other girls came and joined me and they turned the tv on cause guess what they wanted to watch…TYRA!
Tyra? Really?
It was ridiculous! And yes, I did stay and watch, cause, again, the rusk tin was there and I could not move it without being noticed now. However, I did make my complaints know that I thought Tyra was a waste of our Bible minds. Too bad I was watching it with the school cleaners, and not any students.
Moving on.
So then, it was my free period. I went to my room and decided that since the next period I had a UPE (remember, those are my unit tests that I have to take every few weeks) that I should study. So I grabbed my book and was going to head to the library cause honestly, I don’t get much studying done here in my room. It’s too stimulating! I grabbed my book, then thought to myself that I should pee. You know how you can feel that you might have to pee in like 15 minutes, but you don’t have to really bad right now? Well, yeah, that was me. I thought, I should go here, but then, there are restrooms over there, so maybe I will wait. But…what if I have to go really BAD when I am walking there. But…that is ridiculous, it’s not that far of a walk. Just like 3 minutes. So I left, without peeing. And walked to the library.
Once I got to the library, I decided that I should check my email. I was having issues with it in my room (as always) and so I got on the computer and checked it. Nothing.
After that, I got up to go to the back of the library to study, and then it happened. I had to pee. NOW! With book in hand, I left the library. I walked over to the bathroom and what do ya know, the maintenance team was in there fixing something. Big sign on the door saying NO ENTRY. UGH! I walked around the corner and looked and the restrooms that are just single stalls right in the hallways. Not like a big bathroom with all the stalls like I tried to get into. But…there was a class next to the bathroom and I kind of figured that it would echo, and that is like stage freight galore, so I couldn’t do it.
Do you know what that meant? It meant I had to walk back to my dorm. That is what! PLEWHEY! At this point, I am standing in the courtyard, between the two bathrooms and trying to decide what to do. I then decided that I would put my book in my classroom, cause it currently was empty and then I walked over to my dorm. But…on the way, I got stopped by a friend. He asked if I wanted a banana. Strange question, I know. But I said yes (cause you don’t turn down the offer of fruit around here…it’s like gold!) he asked what I was doing and I said trying to get to a restroom. He asked why. I said to pee. End of conversation.
I was finally upstairs in my dorm and walked into the bathroom and guess what…no toilet paper. Stupid school. I checked the stall next door. Nothing. The stall on the other side. Nothing. Stupid girls. So I left the restroom, walked down to the other bathroom and finally found a roll in one of those stalls. They even had an extra roll! Whoo Hoo! I grabbed it and walked back to my other stall. (yes, it’s mine.don’t argue with me.) I FINALLY got to pee. YAY!
(in your head, while you are reading this, I know you just sighed in relief cause I got to pee…don’t deny it. You said to yourself “finally!” ) ha…I know it.
So now, it’s noon. Out of the 50 minutes that I had to study, I have 25 left. I leave my dorm, walk back to the other side and go to my classroom. I sit down and start studying. Did I tell you what I was studying? I don’t think so. I had a test in Psychology. It covered only one lesson, but that was a long lesson and there were 30 men that we had to know, as well as the rest of the information. And these men, you know, like Skinner and Pavlov and dudes like that, they were complicated men! And 30 of them! What a crazy test it was going to be! How am I supposed to remember every guy and what they contributed. Anyways, I studied, and soon other students started to come in the classroom. They, however, were NOT interested in studying, they were interested in talking! But me, being the genius that I am (side note: you should all know that I just spelled genius wrong and had to use spell check for that one!) came up with a brilliant plan. I offered them all a piece of double bubble gum! I had it in my bag and with it being “American” they all took one! And that stuff is HARD…and hard to chew and it’s huge! Their mouths were so full! They were quiet for like another ten minutes! HA!
Class starts. We get the test. It’s 16 questions. 16!!!!! Normally they are between 50 and 100. We got 16. There were only two men mentioned. Skinner and Pavlov. The ones I knew before I even ever started this class! I finished my test. Everyone finished their tests. Then the teacher asked us to switch papers with someone else, yeah, like in 2nd grade. We graded each other’s papers. Ugh. I got 15 ½ . so, not too bad. Don’t ask me about the ½, it’s confusing.
We were done with taking and grading our test before the class period was even half over. So the teacher let us leave early. I had a class right after lunch in that same room so I just left my things there and went to the library. After all that studying (for nothing) I needed a release. I walked into the library and grabbed a puzzle and started it in the back room. It was great. I needed to not be thinking and for some reason I don’t really need to think with puzzles. I am just naturally good with them. Ha!
Soon the bell rang, and it was lunch time! Oh yippee. Life is so great. More school food.
I walked over there just to hang out with friends, but kind of knew I would not eat, and it turns out that it was something that I didn’t like, imagine that, so I let my friend have my lunch. She appreciated it and so did I. I sat with her while she ate it and then headed up to my room to grab my water bottle before class started.
I made my way back over to the classrooms and went and sat in class. There was still a few minutes, but I was ready to get it over with. It was Soteriology. I hate that class. I understand NOTHING. Class started and I doodled 3 pages in my notebook. I learned nothing and when I tried to pay attention, I could understand nothing. It’s so ridiculous…that class….and me in it.
That ended…finally!
I came back to the dorms. Ate a rusk from the tin, said a hello to my fish, and went to my room.
I then sat down and watched The Net (oldie but goodie) and laughed at how awesome I used to think that movie was. And in ways, it still is, but for different reasons.
After the movie was over, I got up and went to my sink to get some water and stepped on a cord. Which hurt yes, but more importantly, told me that I left something out. I normally put all my things away. I followed the cord and found my flat iron still out…and…plugged in…and…ON!
People…I nearly burnt down my cement room! I had left it on a wood shelf…do you realize how disastrous that could have been? I would have lost my bag of rusks, i'm sure of it! Thank you Jesus!!!!!!
I unplugged it and am letting it cool before I put it away. Goodness…where was my head this morning!
burn marks on the furniture. not cool.
That was about 20 minutes ago and now I am writing this here note to you all! And by note, I mean book, practically!
So that is/was my day! It is now 7:00pm and I need to study and do some homework. I have a test next week in Soteriology. Good times!
Hey did you know that Monday is a holiday? It’s called Women’s Day! Ha…the men don’t have one.
Did you also know that this is post # 100!!!!!!!!!!! I have written on my blog 100 times! It feels like so much more…sad.
I am going to start saying prayers at the end of my posts, cause then if you read them, it will be like we are praying together!
Dear Lord,
Today was interesting. Thanks for letting me live another day and be in a place where I can learn more about you. I appreciate all that you have done for me. I am aware of the blessings I have in my life and thank you for them all. School is hard but if I keep looking to you I will get through it, day at a time. Thanks for reminding me of that when I need it.
Please be with my friends Verl and Sherri Potts today. Sherri’s sister came to live with you last night and she is missed here. Please just hug Verl and Sherri right now and don’t let go. They need you. Please let them know that I am thinking of them and that we are praying for them here on this side of the world.
Tomorrow is Friday and it’s going to be a long day. Please help me get enough sleep to be sufficient.
And if you could align my bladder and alarm, that would be much appreciated.
Thank you for being you. I love you with all my heart, dreams and desires.
1 comment:
Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
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