Tuesday, June 29, 2010

i have issues...

The other day, just a day or two after returning here to the good 'ol U.S of A i was in my car and pulled up to the gas station. (My lovely car...oh how i missed you my sweet!)

It was mid-afteroon at the time of this gas fill up of mine and as i pulled in to the station i looked around to see that i was the only car there. No big deal. I noticed the attendent was sweeping at the pump right next to me.

I stopped at the pump, rolled down my window and turned off my car. I reached over, grabben my purse, got my card out...and sat there.

Nobody came.

I looked over and the guy was STILL SWEEPING! I wanted to shout "HELLO!!! DON'T YOU SEE ME!?!?!?!? COME PUMP MY GAS!!!!!!"

He didn't hear any of that, although i'm pretty sure my glare was nearly audible.

I huffed, and puffed...and slouched in my seat. "COOOOMMMMMEEEE OOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!!!!!" was what i angrily whispered in my car.


HEIDI! Wake up! you are in america...act like it!!!! They don't pump your gas for you! They make you do it all by yourself! RUDE, i know.

I got out of my car. stomped to the pay station. punched (as much as you can punch ) the keypad to get my 3cent discount (thank you safeway and mom's phone number) yanked out the pump, shoved it in my car, and put it on the lock position and leaned up againt my car. arms folded. grouchy face in place and talking to myself.

I may or may not have been saying things like, "stinking country...it's not that hard to hire a few more people to pump gas for paying customers" "don't you think the economy could get a little boost and make lots of jobs if they did that!" "i don't WANT to miss the song on the radio just to pump my stinking gas...i want to somone ELSE to do it"

After that was over. I went home.

And took a nap.


Jenny said...

They pump your gas for you in Oregon! You aren't allowed to do it yourself even if you wanted to...

Gina said...

They pump your gas in New Jersey too! The first time I visited there, I went to get out of the car to pump and the guy told me (in the very "friendly" east coast fashion) to get back in. As I was leaving the gas station, I turned to the girl next to me (who was from NJ) and asked her if I was supposed to have tipped the guy, because after I paid him he gave me a rather nasty look. The answer was no, but I was really thrown off by the whole thing after having grown up in WA and having to pump my own gas. :)

Jack said...

My friend had someone in Oregon pump gas into his Diesel truck. I would rather pump my own gas just in case somebody decided to make a mistake that day :)