Tuesday, October 5, 2010

for the love!

I did it. I finished my paper! Thank you Mona for the wonderful pep talk. I knoocked most of it out in an hour and a half. After that time, my brain shut off. I could literally feel it going PPPHHHhhhheeeeewwwwww... and then nothing. So i crawled into bed and let the paper and myself rest till morning.

This afternoon i finished it up and turned it. What a great feeling. However, i feel as though i did a bad job just to get it done and i didn't actually follow ALL the rules set out for it. Oh well. I know i won't fail and that is all i really care about.

After it was turned in, i flipped open my calendar with all my homework assignments on it and realized with alarm, that i had another paper due for the same teacher yesterday! I didn't even know about it! And it was due yesterday! I am swimming in papers!

I went to the library after classes, got a few books and came back to my room to work. This paper was only a 4pg-er so i knocked it out in about 2 hours. I was supposed to use like 4 resources and quotes scripture and stuff....i didn't. I used two resources and didn't even mention the Bible. Oh well. We get to re-write thos anyways.

I am dead tired and am going to go to bed early tonight. Like at 7:30pm. Sound wonderful!

What time are YOU going to bed tonight? Are you jealous of me right now?

Dear Lord,

Give me the strenght to get through the last 6 papers that are due this month. I know i can do it even if i don't want to. Thanks for your encouragement!


1 comment:

Mona said...

YAY Good for you! Glad the pep talk helped and I bet it is better than you think it is!

Great job and yeah, I am kinda jealous of you. My day begins around 8:00pm since it is my ME time. :)