Sunday, October 31, 2010

November 1st is my favorite!


November 1st is the day they arrive. The glorious day that all my saved up mommy and daddy hugs can be released!

Sitting here, playing games on my computer at midnight because i am WIDE awake (long story there for another time) i am thinking about the last time i picked them up from the airport. Last March. Remember? That time i said MOM AND DAD ARE HERE...then didn't talk to you all for two weeks?!?!? I promise to be nicer this time.

While thinking back i recalled a story that i am not sure i shared with you all when it happend and i find it funny and feel the need to share.

Last March, i go with two of the guys from school here (teachers, missionaries, friends) to pick up mom and dad from the airport. They arrive, hugs go around and the whole group (all 8 of them) are stading around. There are a lot of people at the airport and while we are standing there waiting for everyone, a lady that was next to me asked about my t-shirt as i was wearing a shrit that said Issaquah Basketball or something...i don't remember. She asked if it was the Issaquah by Bellevue and i said yes and we got to talking. She said she was from Kirkland, right next to bellevue and so we were talking all about the area and what we did and where we were from. I thought it was going to be nice to get to know her on this trip as there are lots of people that come on the trips that i didn't know and going on missions trips is always fun. I thought she was new to the church or something. So we are talking and then mid sentence, my mom comes up to me and says we are leaving. I bend down pick up my bag and am pulled away by mom. I didn't even think anything of it, just that this girl and i would continue our conversation in the van on the way to the school. I talk to my mom while we walk in the front of the group and we get to the vans and i am looking around for this girl.

She is not there.

I ask mom where that girl was that i was talking to and that i had not caught her name and she said "what girl,there are no other ladies on this trip".

Hold up....huh?

I said i was talking to the girl that they came with all about home and i was in the middle of a conversation when she interuppted me...didn't she remember that girl??

mom said "yeah, i remember seeing her, i have no idea who she is though".

Oh that means i was talking to someone and turned and left MID- SENTENCE!!!!! Try that...try talking to someone and then mid way through getting your thought out just turn and walk away. Then tell me that you don't feel INCREDIBLY stupid and guilty!

I did! This poor lady most likley thinks that i am a twat and rude and was most likely a little offended.

TO MY NEW FOUND FRIEND AT THE AIRPORT IN MARCH...i am sorry! I truly am sorry for being rude.

I have felt guilty about this all year.

I will never be able to apologize to her and that is sad.

So, acutally...this story was not as funny as i thought it was going to be...

it's late. I need to go to bed. game of free cell is not going to finish itself! Priorities!

Dear Lord,

Keep mom and dad safe on their flights here. Protect them and everyone with them. Thank you for allowing them the ability to come and do your work here. I pray all the projects are able to be finished in the time alloted and that we come under budget!

Love you!

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