Friday, April 16, 2010


Do you ever feel that sometimes, you could just blow! Not in the "i have to go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW" sence, but in the, "if i don't leave this place right this second, i am going to go crazy and totally lose it" sence. I used to have it when i worked downtown Seattle. It doesn't happen that often here, but sometimes, when it hits...i just gotta go. Not tell anyone, not take anyone and just leave.

I did that today. We were graced with no 4th period, and asked to attend the Islam class, instead, i just took off. I got my purse and keys and left. (Thank you Lord for a vehicle!!!) I was not sure where i was going, i just left. When i was at home in the states, i would just drive and get lost and find a little obscure coffee shop somewhere and then eventually find my way home from wherever i ended up. Here however, is not as safe as back home. I don't trust getting lost here and so i don't like to venture very far from college. So i went to the mall.

I wandered around for a bit and realized how much i don't actually like going to the mall anymore. Unless i have a purpose. However, they do have a Seatle's Best (as best as Africa can do it, it's not like the ones back home) inside of a book store. As soon as i walked by, i KNEW that it was what i needed. I needed to do something NOT school related. That had no impact on my life in anyway. Something alone. Something just for myself.

So i bought a stupid looking book (an easy read) and then sat in the coffee shop. I bought a sandwhich and an esspresso and started my book. When i sat down, it was 12:30. When i got was 5:45. I got halfway through the 400 page book. It was utterly amazing! Not the book, i was right, and the book is stupid, yet very entertaining, but just the fact that i was able to have some ME time! I found myself laughing out loud many times there in my big leather chair. The book is actually really funny. It's called "Getting Rid of Mr. Right" It's about a girl that got dumped and then went into stalker mode because she thought he was Mr. Right. The things she did to try and get him back are just hilarious! I will most likly finish the book tonight.

My friend, Simon, came to the mall as he had to meet some friends later on for a movie but he wanted to go shopping for a new suit. So i met up with him and we went shopping. It was actually sort of fun. Not as thrilling as buying clothes for myself, but hey, i'm good at spending other people's money too! ;) He looked very nice! We got him a whole suit from J-Crew. Pants, jacket, shirt and belt. It only cost him around $200. So that is good i thought. HIm being from Switzerland, didn't bring a suit with him and needs one for a class presentation for Public Speaking.

Then after he got that, we went to dinner together. Shared a pizza that was not very good. Then he met up with his friends and i left.

I just now got back to college and am going to get in bed and finish my book.

For a day that started out sort of yucky, it turned out well.

Living here in the dorms with people around me 24/7 is really hard. I am used to being on my own, in my own apartment. It's a hard adjustment. So these little moments that i can sneak away, i find rewarding.

oh, and...i came back to college to my graded Old Testament essay. I got a 39/40. (i messed up on my reference list, which i knew, i just didn't have time to fix) So that was good news! Thanks Tiesha for your help! I really appreciate it!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I totally know this feeling! Glad you took some time for yourself!