Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things have been going well this week. My first week back at classes. We had so much to do and turn in, that it sort of feels like i'm relaxing, being back in classes and having a normal amount of homework.

I am working on a research paper right now that is kicking my butt! Here, i will let you in on it so that you can see what i am dealing with!

What: Research Paper
For Who: Adrian Paris, Man and Sin teacher
Why: To teach me something, i'm sure of it!

Write a 1300 - 1500 page paper (that would be 3-5 pages) with 5 references plus a bible reference plus a study guide reference and we can only use three books, one periodical and one internet source. (currently, i am working on my notecards, you know, where you find books on the information and write it out on notecards so that you can formulate an outline easily? teacher want's 30 of them...) Ridiculoous!

1. Discuss two alternative views on the origin of man by comparing it to what Scripture states about the origin of man; also describe from Scripture what created man is like. (note:that last part doesn't even make sense)
2. The Biblical account of creation states that man is created in the image and likeness of God. Explain from scripture what is meant by man being created in the image and likeness of God.
3. Considering that the fall of man has evoked much discussion on the essential nature and origin of sin, from a biblical perspective discuss the following components and effects of sin.
* The causes of sin
* The character of sin
* The results of sin prior to ones death
* The ultimate result of sin

Now....just my own thoughts, i'm sure i could get 3-5 pages on EACH of those topics. He wants me to put them ALL into one paper. However, it's a research paper, so it's not my opinion, it's everyone elses, just in my own words.

Just the notecards are due tomorrow...all 30 of them.

I have 5.

It's going to be a long night!

Oh, and my friends Leif and Julienne had their baby yesterday!!! YAY!!! Ezekiel Gray Anderson, WELCOME!

oh, and i have a big update about the gallery....for another time.

1 comment:

amandacarmel said...

I'm praying for you best friend! Hope your paper is going well. I do not envy you at all. In fact for a brief time I though that maybe I wanted to go back to school. Now I'm thinking not so much. Love you bunches! :)