Thursday, May 13, 2010


Drugs, Alcohol, Food, Smoking, Swearing, chewing your fingernails, adding too much garlic while cooking...all HORRIBLE addictions.

I have recently become aware of an addiction that i have. (and no, it's none of the above!)

I am a complainer. I complain about everything! Did you know that? I'm sure you did, cause you have to listen to most of it! I complain about the awful food, i complain about the noise, i complain about my teachers, i complain about the traffic, i complain about my dorm room and how small it is, i complain about the mall hours (really...what sort of mall closes at 6:00pm everyday, and then on Saturdays stay open till 7:00 like they are doing us a favor?) i complain about my school work and stupid research papers i have to write, i complain that it's too hot and then complain that it's too cold. I am constantly complaining!!

I'm sick of it. I am going to take a hiatus from complaining. least i will try. I going to use this weekend to not say a bad word about anything, anyone or anyplace or weather condition. I don't necessarily have to go the extreme and try to love it/them, but at least i might make my personality better by not being so negative! Good Grief!

Today, being Thursday, and my favorite day, i only had two classes. Then, seeing as it's our last Life Group we decided to go to a coffee shop a little ways away. It was so nice! We got back around 11:30 and i didn't have anything planned until 3:00. So i wandered. I checked my email in the computer lab...a few times, and i talked to the librarian, and i had a meeting with the academic dean and i sat in the hallway talking to anyone that would stop and chat. And then finally, i went back to my room. I walked up to my door, got my keys out of my pocket put them in the lock and proceeded to turn. Nothing. The key would not turn. I took them out, looked at them (as if my glare would help) then put them back in the lock and tried again.Nothing. Then, as we all do, i pulled on the handle to see if i needed to pull the door towards me or push it a little just to line up the lock, even though i had never done it before, and still. Nothing. I took the keys back out, looked them over, KNEW they were my keys, and then thought...i was gone for a while...did they change the locks? They never said anything like they were going to and that is just strange anyways. I searched my other pockets to see if had a different set of keys and maybe someone had my same key chain and i just grabbed the wrong ones. Nope. No other keys. So again, i glared at the keys in my hand and tried again. Nothing.

I gave up. I turned around, leaned my back against the door and tried to decide what to do. I finally decided that i would go to the front office and see if they had a spare key for me to try. I had my book bag with me, so i just hung the bag strap on the door handle and being that my bag was a little too heavy, it fell off, promptly pulling the handle down and opening the door.

It was unlocked.

Stupid stupid stupid! (sorry mom, i know that is not a nice word)

I looked around really quickly to make sure nobody had seen the whole episode and kicked my bag into the room.(hard.) I closed the door and just fell onto the bed. UGH! Frustrating!!!!! Sometimes i just can FEEL my blondness!

As we are drawing near to the end of my semester, and actually there is just two weeks left, and i need to send out a warning that i may not be able to receive mail that often. With nobody on campus to get it everyday, they will only be checking the post office once or twice a week and the person that does that doesn't eve usually bring the mail to school until the next semester starts up again. So...please limit your card sending while i am on break. I just don't want it to be a hassle for the lady to have to bring me my mail. Thanks!

I have a little bit of homework left to do tonight and then one more day of classes and then TA DA! Finals! I'm so excited!!! And sort of nervous. My English teacher showed us part of final today and made us all nervous. It's daunting. But i will get through it, I'm sure. Hopefully with a passing grade.

So...two weeks of cramming and test taking, and then two months of....NOTHING.

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