Rueben and I
So, i went to a birthday party tonight! It was great! I had a lot of fun. It was the brother of one of the students here that i have gotten to know because of the Power Encounter Church. So i also knew a lot of the people that came. It was nice cause it felt like i was there with friends, you know, like i have people here that i can call friends that are not just on campus. That is important to me. I can't let my whole world be surronded by the school walls. I would go crazy!
They do birthday's here so different then they do in the stats. Here, presents are just a maybe, if you have money, but not really a big thing. I only saw one present and i gave a card and i was the only card that i saw. And there were like 30 people there. It's more of a time for fellowship. It's really cool. So we got there and they were setting up the food and then when it was all ready they had us all sit around and there was a long prayer blessing the food and the birthday boy. Then we ate the first course. After that was over, we got back in the circle and had a time for people to come up and say how much they appreciat Rueben and who he is and then after tat he gave a speech and then there was a short, like 10 minute, message from the pastor, Michael, and then we all prayed for Rueben and then they opened up the other table of food for the rest of the night. Then we all just sat around and talked. It was really nice. We were there for about 3 hours and we were the first to leave. We had a great time but since we live an hour away, we felt the need to go home. As it is i didn't get home till midnight.
It's such a personal day here, not the self gratification sort of thing like it is in the states. It's more about the birthday person letting all their friends come over and he feeds them. The best present to bring is a hungy tummy! I like it.
he rest of the day i didn't do much...unless you count teaching myself how to play Hearts on the computer "much". I always wished i knew how to play it. I never did win, but i think i am getting the hang of it. Someday i will have to try and play real people. =)
Tomorrow will include a LOT of studying...i PROMISE! Monday is my English exam and i am doing the worst in that class! I just don't get it. I wish i had Tiesha's brain! She would ace it! I am going to be happy if i pass! Like happy as in overjoyed and praising Jesus on my knees rejoicing! ;)
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