Today was a good day. It was a day full of plans, but not so much execution. Do you ever have those? Days with the best intentions...that never seem to come to furition? (is that how you spell that word?)/ (is that how you USE that word?)
Leave for church with Monica at 8:30 to go to His People in N1 City. (His People is the name of the church, N1 City is the branch of said church) Then i was to come back, drop Monica off and go bring the baakie to Henry so that he could then drop me back off at school and have baakie forever more. (did i tell you about that? that i no longer have use of te baakie?'s true) Then i would do homework all aftenoon until i had to leave for church a 4pm at Power Encounter Fellowship.
I got up at 7:30. Took a shower and got ready and had some breakfast and then at 8:27, i left my room to go see if Monica was ready. As i am walking down the hallway, i see Monica come out of the her towel...fresh out of her bath. She seems me and gets a look of a deer in headlights. I have a stern, quizical look on my face, as if to say..."please tell me you are a mirage and not really just coming out of the bath 3 minutes before we have to leave". But alas, it was true. She said, "i will just be two minutes". I ignored her. Cause there is real time, there is africa time, and there is Monica time. Of which Monica time is the worst! So i went back to my room, re-evaluated my outfit, changed my shoes and then just sat on my bed. Purse on my shoulder....just tapping my foot. I gave her 10 minutes, then sarted to head down the hallway. I told her that i was going to go warm up the baakie and to come as soon as she could. See, church started at 9am. It was 20 minutes away. I didn't know how to get there so i was going off directions from a friend that doesn't even live around here. He just sort of knew. I was hoping for that extra few minutes to find the place. 8:45 Monica finally came out to the baakie and we pulled out of there. We got as far as we could, to the point where the directions became a little sketchy and hit a dead end. We tried a few more roads and got more and more lost. Then i called my friend, and described where i was. He had no idea. He said to get back on the freeway and head towards Cape Town and it should be the next exit called Ockovango. So we did so. (only to find out later that ockovango is the 4th exit down in the OTHER DIRECTION!) We were on the freeway for a while and then i just KNEW that we had gone too far. We were passing the mall, and i just know that it was before that somewhere. At this point, it's nearly 9:20. I turned to Monica and said "we are having our own church! Start singing!!!" And she did! We sang a nice song a few times through as i kept driving towards cape town. We soon were downtown and so i asked if she wanted to go to Signal Hill and since she said that she had never been there, i decided it was time for her to experience one of my most favorite places! It is a mountain top that you can see all of Cape Town and the water and Robben Island and it's BEAUTIFUL! We got there and had a nice long talk. She told me all about where she came from and how she came about attending CTS. Very interesting story! Then we decided that we should head back to college since it was already after 11:00 and we had a few errands to run before we got back, and i was supposed to have the baakie to Henry by noon. We did our errands and was back at CTS by 12:15. I had not heard from henry yet. (he told me he would call me around noon when he was home from church) so i called him and he said that he was not going to be back at the house until aftr 5pm. I was leaving for church at 4pm. Problem! He said that he would try to come earlier to the campus so that i didn't have to drive it to him and i said i would see if i could leave a little later for church. Turns out, the pastor, my friend Michael, needed to leave at 4:30, so i was able to wait a little longer. But by time i left Henry was still not there, so i just left the keys under the mat and texted him about it. As i was pulling out of the campus, i passed Henry entering, so that worked out well i guess.
I was able to take a nap in the afternoon, instead of doing homework, and felt great for church! Michael did a wonderful job preaching and we were even out of there early and back to the college before 10pm. WHOO HOO!
So, in the end, i did not go to His People, and i did not get any homework done, but i was able to have a great day still.
My friend Otniel, one of the pastors at Power Encounter was opening up in prayer tonight and was saying a few things to start out and what he actually said was "God's arms are not too short to come down and save us" however, he has a lisp. So what i heard, was "God's arms are not too short to come down and SHAVE us". It took me nearly two minutes to figure out what he was talking about. Then i laughed out loud..and disrupted prayer time. It was funny!
I have not done my laundry in two weeks. My basket is SUPER full. I normally do it at Greg and Emily's house, but Emily has been up in Rustenburg for the last two weeks teaching the MA students at a school there. She will be gone another week. I might have to break down and wash them here on campus. I just hate too cause i feel that they are never really truly washed. The washer takes MAX 15 minutes. And then the dryer takes like 2 hours. And the dryer makes my clothes smell funny. Maybe i will just do a jeans and underware load to get me by till Emily is back. Maybe.
I smell funny. You know how everyone has their "smell". It's not that they stink so much, it's more that they just have a smell...that is unique to them. Well i knew my smell. And it's gone. Now i have a new one, and i don't think i like it. It's like...old musty dorm room/sweat/cool water perfume/shampoo...and it's strange. Maybe i will just start wearing more perfume.
i got sunburnt...i think. I was outside most of the day on Friday (more to come about that) and then i was outside on Saturday and then again today on the mountain...and when i took a nap, my skin felt funny, like it does when i am sun burnt. But i'm not red. I'm tan, but not burnt. it's a strange feeling. Not really sure why i felt the need to share that one.
I miss Bubble Yum
Jenny and Emily, i love you dearly and i'm so sorry that i have not written back to your "letters you write at work when you should be working" letters. Both of them! I here by proclaim that i will write back this week! (ha ha ha...i here by proclaim! Can you tell i read the Bible much?!?!?)
We have two weeks of classes left and then it's two weeks of finals. The finals schdule just went up today. I have one on wed the 19, then friday the 21st, then Monday the 24th, then wed the 26th. then i am DONE! Can you believe it? I would have made it through my first semester of college! That is huge for someone that thought they would never make it TO college,let alone get through part of it! I'm excited! I'm also happy that i have time between the finals so that i can study. I'll know which ones to study for on which days. Public Speaking is on the 21st. YUCK! And English is on Monday the 24th. Double Yuck!
I got a progreess report for my English class last week, and i'm getting a B. I don't believe it though. I think its wrong. I think i'm getting a D. Or at least it feels like it. Although i do awesome on the assignmetns, like writting an essay, but then testing me on it, i bomb! Who cares if a word is a past participle gerund from the future? And i know nobody cares what comes before and after whatever word that is! I'm super nervous for that final. I just need a 70% or better to pass, and right now i have an 84%. I have a few more assignmetns to bring it up a little and then i might be able to afford a bad grade on my final. But i promise i will study really hard! Promise!
Ok, i am sleepy now and i have to get up early for a skype date, so i shall speak to you all tomorrow!
The two pictures above are from my trip to the Aquarium. And it took the whole time of me writing this to upload just those two. Hopefully that explains a little why i don't upload that often. I don't have the time!!!!! I have lots more, so those would make morse sense, but they must wait till anoter time. I might just have to do a link to my picassa or something.
Peace, love and JOY!
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