Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 2 was long, but really good! We started off our day by meeting in classroom 5 and had a quick 20 minute devotional. Then moved onto talking about school rules and such. They handed out the hand books and want them ready by Friday. And basically they just said, "there are no rules, just be a good person" which...i guess if that works, then great! We then had one of the teachers come in and talk to us about Time Management. Basically he just asked us to write out our 5 year plan, tell what we want to do after CTS and what we think would hinder us from getting there and what we plan on doing to change that hindrance. I was a little confused on how that applied to time management, but that is ok. It was interesting to hear what everyone said they wanted to do after school. I said, 1. Find a job in a Christian environment. 2. Start a family. 3. Be a woman of God to the best of my ability! Everyone else's were super spiritual and deep and they knew exactly what they wanted to do. I felt bad, cause i don't really tent to think about what i want in 5 years. I like to live for the "now" and be open and flexible for whatever may come along. If i have a plan, and i decide to change mid way there, then i would feel as though i have failed that plan. I don't know.
Moving on, after that class we then had a short tea time break and then back to class. We had a class called "Culture Diversity" that was AWESOME! I loved it! We had a student come talk that was from a different country and just told us about her home and what it was like to come to this school and how it has changed her. Then we had another girl do the same thing. But her background was totally different. Then again, two more guys did the same. It was very cool to hear their stories and hear all the different rules and traditions that they had and how here at CTS they have come and joined together to create their own culture. The whole point of the class was to just know that people come from all over and may think differently and may do things that are tradition to them but may offend someone else and so the whole time we are here on campus, we need to have an extra amount of Grace and not be judgmental about what we see or hear. In the end, everyone loved the class! There were tears!
Then we had a guy do a little dance. It was strange. Everyone else loved it, and i applaude the dude for doing it, but it was only 5 moves that he just kept repeating...and...well...maybe i am being harsh, but i would think that if you are going to perform something, you would have more planning into it. Everyone else LOVED maybe it's just me. Honestly it looked more like yoga moves then a dance. Then we had a chat from a teacher about the Rules/Values of the school. And how as long as you have values you don't need rules. It was a very controversial talk in the end and lots of us had different idea's about it. It's funny how the littlest things can become the best conversations.
After that we had lunch. We only get 30 minutes here for lunch. Basically it's enough time to walk to the cafeteria, get your food, eat it and get back to class.

I have volunteered to be the class secretary. Which means that i have a clip board and i have to mark down everyone that is in class and who is tardy or absent and then when we have assignments, each student hands them into me and i keep them the whole day until i turn them into the admin office after classes. I think it's strange, but i volunteered before i heard what the job i'm stuck with it. Now i HAVE to be on time to class!

After lunch we had to take a Bible and an English test. They lasted 3 hours. Or at least they were supposed to. We started at 2:00. I was done at 2:45. The teacher handed out both quizes and just said to do them in whatever order we wanted to. The bible test was 150 questions and was SO HARD! It was asking questions like, when what Moses born and how long did he live and who was his uncle and what tribe did his great grandfather come from? Then it would give us words in latin and then have us translate them and then have to tell what it is. I guessed on about 140 of the questions. Then the English test was just a single page of basic, "what is a verb, what is an adjective" type of thing. We then had to write a formal letter to a charcoal pen place that had to be at least a page long. And then we had to write a two page essay on one of three different topics. I chose "Why Bible School is important for church growth". I have not written that much in YEARS! My hand hurt so bad after that! I know HOW to write, but it felt like i was just learning. There is no spell check on notebook paper! UGH! And i only had a pen with me, so i had to be careful to not spell anything wrong. I hate the look of little scratch marks on papers. Also, they use a different English then i'm used to, so even when i spell something right, it's still wrong. Like Color vs. colour or program vs. programme. I'm sure spelling will be a big stumbling block for me. I'm not that great with my basic English at home...let alone a new one!

I was the first one done with the test. I don't know how i feel about that. I either bombed them, or am just better then i thought. But...these tests are not graded. They are just to see how much we know/don't now. I think i finished first because English is my first language and i can read and comprehend a lot faster then a lot of people in my class.

After that, i called Emily and she came and picked me up seeing as i needed to go to the store for a few things. It's hard not having a car and not being able to run to the store for anything i need. I had to bring my list and make sure to think about what i might need in the future because i don't know when i will be back to a store. (or off campus for that matter) We got everything that i needed and then went to dinner. We went to Nando's. I GREAT chicken place. They just serve chicken in lots of different ways. It's SO GOOD! Then we got an ice cream bar and headed back to school. I spent the rest of the evening getting everything put away. I was able to talk to my Dad and Mom on skype for a little while and then went to bed. Exciting times!

Mattress update! So Tuesday morning i got my new mattress!!!! That was SO FAST! I was expecting like a week. Even though they are kept at the end of the hall, i was not allowed to get it myself. Someone had to bring it to me. I asked if i could keep both of them and she said "no, we can not treat people different here. no favoritism's" so i said ok and switched my mattress. I slept so great that night. It was a perfect mattress compared to the other one. But she never came back to get the old one, and it was getting in my way, so i put that back on my bed too. Now i have the two mattresses and i'm happy as a clam! I will give it up if she asks, but i don't think i am going to volunteer it. HA!

Lenard has not shown up again. =(

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