Saturday, January 23, 2010

week one is done

Today is Saturday. It's my first saturday at the college. I can't believe that i have been here for only a week already! It seems like i have been here for so much longer then that. Friday, we just had lectures all day. We are doing this personality test type of thing that all the first year students do. It's actually really really cool. It's called Flag Page and it tells you what is positive about yourself and what your top 5 motivatons are which is what makes you do what you do and what makes you react the way you do to things. I have learned SO MUCH about myself. And others really. I have learned how to understand myself much more. And really, that is what this whole adventure is about, finding myself and my place in this world and gaining an understanding of what God has for me in the future. I would say that in this first week of school, i have learned more about myself then i have in the last 10 years. If you ever get the chance to take the Flag Page test for yourself, i would recommend it.

So anyways, we just talked about that all day long. Until lunch at least, then we were free for the day. It's sort of nice and sort of frustrating to be in this school. For me, understanding the book and the teachers is fine. English is my first (and only) lanuage. But for about 90% of the students that is not the case. The teacher has to go at such a slow pace that i find myself day dreaming a lot. Once they go over a section, we then have to go through the class just to make sure everyone knows what was said. And let me tell you, my class is starting to come out of their shells and they are TALKERS! Again, nice and annoying at the same time.

After classes and lunch was over, i went up to my room and made a few phone calls and read a book. Then the girls were walking down to the Pick and Pay (grocery store) for some ice cream so i went along. I needed to get off campus anyways and a walk sounded delightful! It was only about 1 mile round trip, but it was just right. I got back to the campus and changed and then headed out with a few friends to a church service. One of my friends that is a student here, named Michael and his friend Otneil started a church about 6 months ago. They have service on friday nights. I have been talking to Michael about it ever since he strted it and now that i am here i was more then excited to see what it was all about. From the time they started it until about three weeks ago they were meeting in a friend house. Now they have moved to a building that they found. The owner of the building said they could use it free of charge. They don't even have to pay for the electric bill or anything. And there are two restrooms on site, Praise the Lord! It is a small building, but it works great for what they need it for. In total, if everyone showed up, there would be about 40 people that attend the church, but this night, there were only about 25. It was amazing to see God work in the people through the worship and then the sermon. Michael did an awesome job as well as Otniel that started the service out. They have so little there to use, yet they do so much and are touching so many lives. It made me think about my life and all the "stuff" that i have and yet, how many lives did i touch with it? Not many. They are really in need of an overhead projector, you know like the old school kind that uses transperancies? (sp?) Right now, they are printing the words to worship off on paper and handing them out as people come in. But they don't have enough money to do that every week so they have to collecte papers after each service. It worked fine, but having an overhead would work MUCH better. So be praying for that please! They don't take offereing as far as i know seeing as most of the people that come, don't have anything. So everything must be donated.

The service that night ended up going really late and we did not get back to campus until 12:15am. I then went to bed and didn't wake up until 1:30 pm. I was still sleepy, but decided that i needed to get up and stretch and leave my room while it was stll daylight! I found a few people in the courtyard and sat and chatted for a while. Then went back upstairs and took a nap. I was exhausted! After that i got up and took my book down to the courtyard and read for about an hour. Then went upstairs and showered and got ready for the day. (at this point it's nearly 5:00pm) then i decided that i would go do a "photo tour" of the campus! It was great. It was nice to be out in the sun! I took nearly 200 pictures and then loaded them onto my computer and then had issues uploading them so i gave up till i had the energy to care about it. Blogger only lets me upload 5 pictures at a time and they take like 15 minutes per upload. I really didn't care to spend the time doing that.

Then i did a workout. 30 day shred by Jillian Michael's. Good stuff. So glad i brought my yoga mat. Then i took another 45 minute nap. HA! Then i came down for dinner and chatted on skype to a friend for a while. Which was awesome! Now i'm writing this and trying to figure something else out with my pictures. I might try adding a link to the blog instead of adding the actual pictures.

see if this works and let me know...cause this was like 1,000 times easier! (you must copy and paste the following link)

Now i am sleepy again and am going to head to bed! I am supposed to go to church tomorrow morning, but have no idea what time the service is. We shall see if i make it. I might just sleep in!

1 comment:

Gina said...

The linked worked! Great pictures -fun to see! Miss you and glad to hear you are having fun :)