Monday, January 18, 2010

Lenard the Lizard!!!

So tonight i went and worked outside for a little while on my computer. Just to get out of my room. When i came back, Lenard was here! However, he was on my bed. I had to have a little chat with him. It went something like this.

"Lenard, i know we are friends, and i know that we are close, but i really feel that we are too early in our friendship to sleep in the same bed. I actually would prefer that you slept outside the bedroom until we are better acquainted. Maybe in the future i could make you our own home. But until then, please respect my boundaries and find another warm bed to lie in. Thank you for understanding"

Now, as soon as i finished said conversation, i then mocked myself for talking to a lizard. But...this is Africa, and i'm all alone here and have not made any friends except Lenard, so until i am close enough to the other humans to hang out with them, i will continue to befriend Lenard. (if he comes back after that shameful way i kicked him out)

And....i think i am lacking in sleep and it's affecting me. Sorry for this ridiculous post!

1 comment:

Jenny Matthews said...

I didn't realize he was such a tiny little thing! I <3 Leonard!