Monday, February 8, 2010

Day one!

Did you know that college is hard? HA!...i learned that today! It’s flipping hard! And it’s only going to get harder! I think somewhere along the line I asked for this, but right now I just can’t seem to remember it. We started classes today. I had “Old Testament Literature”. Which the teaches said that in the 4 months of this semester we will be reading the whole Old Testament. We have to read 10 chapters a day. Which, really, is not that bad, but added onto everything else, it’s going to be hectic! We also have to learn the books of the OT in order as they appear in the Bible, but also in genre order. Which, I know I learned back in middle school, but that was like…15 years ago! It shouldn’t be that hard. I am not worried about that one.

After that I had English 1. The teacher was surprised to see me in the class. She thought that I was going to drop it and take something else seeing as English is my first language and I should already know everything in it. I just decided to keep it cause I could use a refresher course. We have lots of papers due for that class, as I’m sure you can imagine.

Then I had Public Speaking. I wanted to barf the whole class. I HATE HATE HATE speaking in public. And if you want to really see me sick, give me a mike. Seriously, I get the shakes. I can’t seem to form a single thought when speaking on front of large crowds. I have no idea how I’m going to get through this subject. I want to drop it. And, normally I would go to the academic dean and change the class, but, I think that sticking this one out might do me some good. I need to get OUT of my comfort zone and learn to able to stand in front of people without leaving my stomach in a pile on the floor. So I’m staying. For now.

For 4th period I had Man & Sin. I am actually really excited about this class. I think that I will get a lot out of it. I like the teacher and he seems more interested in seeing that we understand the subject matter then testing us on it. Which is nice. I’m not saying there won’t be tests, but I just might enjoy this one.
5th period I have free today. Which is super nice. I thought that I was taking Paul’s Salvation Letters, but apparently not. The school is not that great at getting out class schedules so it was hard to tell what I had and what I didn’t. I am not sure how the rest of the week is going to go.

Tonight’s homework is as follows:
OT. Literature: Read 10 chapters of OT and write a 2 page paper on how they effect me and my spiritual life and how I can apply them in my future. Also I have a three page essay due next Monday that I need to get started on researching. The essay subject is “what is the theological definition of inspiration? What does inspiration mean when referring to the Bible?” I have to use at least 2 sources.

English 1: Just as as FYI…the syllabus for this subject is 11 pages. I have to use my study guide (which is just a work book with our lessons in it) and complete half of Lesson 1. Which is 16 pages long. So, I have to do 8 of them. Also I have to know each key words in that lesson because she said that she likes to give pop quizes and hand out black sheets of paper and say “what are all the key words and their meanings?” hhmm…. Oh, and I have a test on Thursday that I have to study for.

Public Speaking (aka: Learning how to swallow your own vomit): The teacher said that at the beginning of each class she will randomly call out a student or maybe two if there is enough time and give them a subject off the top of her head and we have to do a 5-7 minute speech right there in front of the class. (I’m glad I’m totally sun burnt, cause I don’t know if I could go any redder from being up in front of people) I don’t have much to do for this class tonight. We divided up into roles for the class because as our final project, we have to do an event together of getting a speaker to come to class and talk about how to speak to people. But there is a lot of planning that has to go on. So, we had to choose a president, 2 vice presidents, a secretary, 2 people for hospitality, 1 person for publicity 2 people for planning and 2 people as the technical people. I was voted as vice president, but quickly got out of that role! Cause that involved speaking out loud in front of people and I I don’t want to do any more then I have to in that area. So I was able to snatch up a position on the planning team. THANK GOODNESS!!! We also have to do a book report on a book that they didn’t give to us. We have to go check it out of the library , read it and write it and turn it in next week.

Man & Sin: I have to read and complete the first lesson in my study guide. It’s 16 pages as well. Plus the teacher asked if I would keep notes of all that is written on the board and email it to him after class. (and me, not being able to say no, said “sure, no problem!”)

Other work: I have to complete an evaluation that was due on Friday. This should only take me about 45 minutes. I have to read 10 pages in a book that we are reading for “Life groups”. I have to write a two page letter to God stating what my expectations are for this year at school.

I also received a letter today from a friend so I need to respond to that, before I forget, and I need to do my laundry and I hated lunch so I need to figure out how to get off campus to get some food and I need to vacuum my room and I have to do my dorm chores for the week. (cause we do them on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Fridays)

It’s already 3pm. I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed and it’s only the first day. This just might be a very long year! But then again, I might just be freaking out cause it was more than I expected. Things may get a lot better soon! Maybe I will get the hang of it and stop freaking out. Who knows!

Oh yeah…and I joined the missions team. We have a missions chapel on Monday that we have to plan for and then Spiritual Emphasis in two weeks that we need to plan an outreach for.

Plus, I told Mary from the non-profit that I’m helping out with that I would help do her Newsletter. She wants it out ASAP.

I hope all of your Monday’s are going better than mine did!


Jenny Matthews said...

You WILL get the hang of it! In the meantime we'll be praying for peace of spirit so you don't feel overwhelmed. Nothing stunts me more than anxiety!! Get some rest... can't wait to hear about day 2! :) Do you have the same classes every day? Or do they switch up?

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

Things will get better - you sound just like I did when I started the respiratory program... Anatomy?? Whats that???

You will be fine and do splendidly. Just freak the first day or maybe week and then you'll settle in and get it all done.

And keep blogging. I have you bookmarked!


Unknown said...

Yay, now you have a real taste of what college is all about. You'll get used to it and soon the 125 hour weeks and all-nighters will seem routine. Trust me, I know: this is my 9th year in college. :- )

Heidijoy said...

Yeah...this place is going to drive me crazy! But i guess it will make for some good stories!

Unknown said...

I am SOOOOO jealous! I miss school so much. As sad as it sounds, your list of homework actually got me excited, I wanted to jump in and start writing papers and answering essay questions! I think I might be adopted...cause this is so not a family trait :) You can do it, you are so smart and so organzied! And don't hesitate to ask for help or editing or anything. I'm here for ya seester!!