Thursday, February 4, 2010

Swedish UNO, you know!

Did you know that UNO was a contact sport? Did you also know that it can bring out the heathen in you and make you swear! True story!

As you know by now, I have a nightly habit of playing UNO. It happens at 8pm, or shortly there after. If I decide to stay in my room and not play, they guys call to me from down stairs and won’t stop calling or texting me till I come down. I am not one to shy away from a good dose of peer pressure, so I go. I play, and I have a GREAT time. No matter what, I know that at the end of the day, I am able to laugh. There have been days where it was the best part of the day! UNO, how I love you!
It all started with the Swed. Simon. He brought his cards and wanted to play one night while we were all just sitting there chatting and drinking our nightly cup of coffee. Cause, you know, at college, 8:30-9:00pm is tea time! /coffee time! Cause we are all up studying till wee hours of the night. The UNO is a little break to get our minds refreshed. Anyway, Simon brought his cards out and we played a few nights normally. Then, he started to teach us all these rules that we had never heard of. (and maybe you all know about these rules but they were new to me!)

So, when someone playes a 0 of any color, they are allowed to switch hands with any player they choose. When someone plays a 7, everyone must put their hand on the card, the last person with their hand on the pile, has to take two cards. (this is where the contact part comes in. There have been many nails broken, many arms scratched and many fingers jammed, not to mention all the slapping that goes on) You know when you open a brand new box of UNO cards and there are two blank cards in there. Just white with nothing on them? Well we put those into the deck and when someone plays that card, we all have to switch cards with the person to our side in the opposite direction of what we are playing. Did that make sense? So if we are playing clockwise, we have to pass our cards counter-clockwise. Also, if you have the same number and color that matches what was just played, you can play at any time. Which usually skips a bunch of people. (and makes them mad where upon more slapping happens)

It get’s really intense! The other night, we had a big ‘ol fight. There was someone playing that is more of a control freak and was all about the rules and wanted to make sure everything was going properly and we were more about having fun and seeing who we could get to pick up the most cards and we make up rules as we go, so when this person started making things difficult, cause they are not very quiet about how they feel, we all started getting frustrated. Then they would shout at people that were taking too long to think about their play, and then this person would be on their phone and not paying attention and then get mad at us when we asked her to play. Anyways….it got to be a very emotional game. Several people walked out of the room mad. Oh boy! UNO!

Since then we have resolved our issues and that person is better and having more fun and not taking the game so seriously! Thank goodness! That was a few nights ago and we have had fun ever since.

So last night, I never ended up doing my homework. But it wasn’t due until today, so felt ok about it. However, it’s now nearing 11pm and I still have not done it. Ugh! I got part way, but now I have to finish the last few pages of reading and write the paper. Good thing I am a fast typer! We also have a 7 page questionnaire that we have to fill out but each question is an essay answer. And that is due tomorrow as well. Oy! I have that nearly done, I just have 1 question left. I don’t know why I stopped, but I just got bored and didn’t want to work on it anymore. It's like when you are eating and you everything on your plate except one bite. It somehow feels better to leave it there. Maybe again, that is just me.

Saturday is coming up! And I’m totally excited for the beach! I just SMS’d the girl that is picking me up and I asked her what time I would need to meet her in the parking lot and she said 7am. SAY WHAT?!? 7am for a beach day?!?!?!!? Yikes! It better be one awesome beach! No matter, I’m totally excited! I will get up whenever. It’s just sleep, right? She said we are going to one beach on the other side of the mountain and then we are going to go to another one after that later in the afternoon. Apparently the first one is a trip with her church. So that will be fun to meet some new people. I still have not found a home church, so maybe this will be it!
So tell me…what is YOUR favorite bored game? Or card game?


Tim and Jen said...

Have fun at the beach!! I'm jealous...I LOVE the beach. It'll be so good for you to take a break and enjoy the sun! To answer your question, I really like the game catch phrase. I haven't played it in so long though. Miss you!!

Jenny Matthews said...

Pictionary!! I used to LOVE playing pictionary as a kid- even with just one other person, which isn't really possible... but I liked it. Other than that, Scrabble or better yet, Bananagrams because you can play it by yourself or with just 1 or more people.

Erika Bradford said...

We play scrabble, although its been awhile. We also play Scattagories(sp?). During scrabble when my hubby is up, my sister will sing Journey ("So now I come to you, with open arms") to try and break his concentration. He still ends of winning most of the time. Did you know that have waterproof uno? I bought it for one of the kids this past summer. I am not sure we ever tried it out but I can imagine a round of Uno in a hot tub would be delight. Any one that acted up you could hold under the water until they were ready to behave themselves. We have also had the Uno where you load the cards into a shooter and when it is your turn you hit the button. Sometimes it will shoot 2 cards and sometimes a lot more than that. You guys should play the board game survivor. You get to vote people off. Feeling get hurt for being voted off. It sends a message ya know? People stomp away angry. LOL love it. Monopoly can be very emotional. We have had a few tears over that one. They have a version where you use debit cards instead of paper money. Fun!

Jenny Matthews said...

Heidi JOy... I subscribe to many blogs from lovely friends adventuring to gardening to food cooking and preserving to fashion. One is on color and offers pallets inspired from many, many different (and often obscure) sources. Today's was based on a Africa and I thought you would enjoy some of the images as much as I did... :)

Unknown said...

Wow, are you sure I wasn't at that game?? I think my "rules must be followed" spirit has somehow traveled 10,000 miles and is haunting you! So sorry, or maybe not :) I love our games of slap scrabble, especially when Jake plays and his entire board is acronyms or he spells Boooo just to use up a bunch of oooo's. So funny!! My other favorite game is Clue, but no one else in our family likes that game because you have to think and it's not funny. Oh well, maybe Joe will play it with me :) Can you take pictures of your "you know" group? Would love to see them!