Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So, the time has arrived. I have officially settled in. How do i know this you ask? Because this morning, i hit my snooze alarm 3 times. For those of you that are unaware of me and my love for the snooze button, let me enlighten you. Back home, i would purposefully set my alarm to go off 2 hours before i needed to get up, just so that i could hear the sound of my alarm being turned off and then knowing that i was allowed to go back to sleep.
I fall asleep super fast when this happens and so for the short 10 minutes between alarms, i get the best sleep of the night! It's a love affair that, like most, got me in trouble pretty darn often.

Then today..all day, i kept thinking about the assignment that i have due tomorrow. Thursday the 4th. And i kept making plans of when i would start working on it. But those times arrived and...well...i changed my priorities! First i was going to do it right after classes/lunch so that i would be done with it and not have to worry about it the rest of the night! Classes ended, i ate lunch, and then realized that i had committed to "work duty" with the other girls to clean the dorms. This week, my job was to sweep and mop the hallway and two sets of stairs. So i started on that, but then shortly after i started sweeping, i remembered that i had a meeting with the principal that i had asked for, so i handed off the broom and went to my meeting. After it was over, i finished my sweeping and mopping and such and thought, maybe now is a good time to start my assignment. I went into my room and WHOA...i had not opened up the window OR turned my fan on at all, and i had not been in there since the morning before classes. So it had been 8 hours of pent up heat sticky humidity and a slight stink i could not figure out. UGH! I opened the windows, put the fan on and then tried to find where the slightly "off" smell was coming from. Soon, i realized that it was my flowers. I'm glad they lasted this long, but sad to see them go. I think i need more flowers now. They were looking a little sad and you know that smell that wild flowers get when they are on the old's like...stale...something, i don't know how to explain it. It reminds me of the smell you get when you leave a head of lettuce in the plastic bag in the crisper of the fridge for two months without touching it. i know it's not just me that has done that...a few times. Please tell me it's not just me.

Anyway, so i was airing out my room, and then realized that i needed to change out of my clothes into more comfortable sweats and then with the room being so warm and toasty and now i was in comfy clothes....i took a nap. Reading and writing will happen later, after i wake up in a hour. It's just an hour. And then 3 hours later i woke up! I woke up, because someone was knocking on my door. I didn't answer at first, cause..I WAS SLEEPING...but they didn't stop! So i got up out of bed and answered the door, cause obviously it was important. It was one of the ladies that lives here but she is not a student and she came to give me a lollipop. Like, a sour sucker...whatever. I took it from her while saying "Seriously? for me? Thank you so much!" but in my head i was saying "SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I had to wake up for THIS????? You knocked on my door for two whole minutes for a SUCKER?!?!?!?! BAH! GO AWAY!" but alas, i was nice. I then shut my door and threw the sucker on the desk while at the same time crawling back into bed. I slept for another hour.

I woke up to a knock on my door. I slowly got up, as again, they were not going to be ignored apparently, and guess what? SAME LADY! This time, however, she was telling me that it was dinner time and she knew that i was sleeping and didn't want me to miss out. So, i guess it was nice of her...right? I still felt as though i was being rudely awakened for no good reason. Cause honestly, the food is not worth getting out of bed for!!!! I am still in this mood where i feel that i need to attend every meal just to make appearances so that everyone knows i'm nice and not hiding in my room. When classes actually start on Monday, i won't feel like that anymore. So i got changed again, cause now i was all sweaty from sleeping under the covers in an 80 degree room! and then i went downstairs. Dinner was guess what!?!?! Chicken and rice! Like every other blasted meal around here. I took very little and didn't even eat all of it. They did have bananas though, so that was the highlight of my evening. After dinner, i went up to my room, thinking, ok, it's time to start my homework! I have to read 60 pages and then write a 3 page report on it. Not hard, just time consuming. We are reading a book so every 2 or 3 chapters they want a report. So i have done two of these already in a week. Like i said, not hard. But i got back to my room and my laptop was just sitting there at the end of my bed...slightly glowing, and calling my name, saying "i have emails for you to read....and facebook updates for you...and blogs to write!" so i gave in and sat on my bed and started writing emails and reading blogs and checking facebook, just as it asked me to do! I loved it! But...the problem is, my battery died. So i went and plugged it in and was getting everything back up and running, when low and behold, i realized that two hours had passed and it was time for UNO! The guys were calling me from downstairs (as they are not allowed upstairs) saying..."'s YOU KNOW time!" Repeating that over and over and over again until someone hears them and comes to get me. HA! I always have my music on, so i never hear anything out my door. So, i went downstairs and played UNO for an hour and a half. Now, its 11:00pm and i am just getting back to my room when a fellow student asks me for help with her paper and with figuring out her computer. So, i happily go help her. I'm there for about 20 minutes and then come back to my room to finish up my blog! Which, i am still working on (cause as you all know i'm long winded) and its now going on midnight!

I still have not even taken the book out of my bag. All of this i just told you, goes to prove that i have now settled in. I am snoozing just fine and procrastinating very well! Things can only go downhill from here!

PS. Thank you all for your comments on the last post, i didn't recieve any emails saying that you had problems! You are the best!

PPS. My mom and dad arrived in Haiti today. Let's remember to keep them in our prayers!

1 comment:

Erika Bradford said...

I have settled in just fine, procrastinating and snoozing. LOL U are the best.