Today was SO BORING! I woke up in a good mood, had plenty of time to get ready and go downstairs for the habitual toast and glass of water in the morning, (and by glass i mean neon colored platic cup) I went to class and was there in plenty of time, so i painted my nails! YAY! Class started and i was really into it and learning about lineage of Cain and Seth...super interesting ... at first. Then the day kind of went downhill from there.
I nearly fell asleep in class the first period, then second period came and all the homework i had done the night before was not needed. She said we were ahead of ourselves so decided to just have us review what we have already done. And then, it was time for LifeGroups. The meeting of the group of people every thursday in place of Chapel. We are reading a book and today was all about Chapter two. However...i have not started the book. Therefore, i had not much to say. Fine, what everyone else talked about was interesting, but now in order to cath up, i have to read three chapters! like i need more to do.
Then it was tea time so i sat and talked to my friend Michael for a bit. Then headed to class. As it is thursday, we have Intro to Computer for the last 3 periods of the day. Remember me talking about this class last week? and about how boring i tought it was going to be? Guess what....i was right!
The teacher started out by telling us that we are going to learn about presentaions and that by next week he wants us to have made a 4 slide presentation in the Open Office Impress, which is basically PowerPoint...just not microsoft. He told us that we were going to use the first two hours to go over what the program is and then how to make a presentation and then the last hour we would be in the computer lab working on the project. During the break between hour one and two of the class, he came to me and apologized once again for the fact that i HAVE to be in the class. I said it was no worries and i think that it was God teaching me patients, however, if he didn't mind that i wasn't paying attention, i would appreciate it. Then i could work on homework for other classes. So, i did just that. I read my Bible.
Did i tell you about the Bible reading thing? That we have to read 10 chapters a day? 7 days a week? Yeah...i'm 96 chapters behind.
I read for hour two of the class and then for hour three i did my presentation and actually took the longest to get it done. We were supposed to make a title page, a page with bullets on it, a page with columns on it and a picture in it or any sort of graphic. (easy piesy) I did mine on 'Humour in the Bible' so it was funny, and it was really good. I had jokes and cartons and bulletin bloopers and a Bible verse to wrap it all up. However, the reason it took me so long, was because i was sitting across from a guy who understands just about NO english, AND has a hearing problem AND forgot his hearing aid today. So i was contstently being asked to come over and help. And seeing as the teacher pimped me out as a tutor, i had to help. No worries, i did fine. I was able to get mine done and his done and still have time left over. And at the end i erased his and made him do it again seeing as i had done most of it just showing him how, and he did just fine. So even though we could not really talk to each other much, he seemed to understnd. Although "right-clicking" was just too hard for him to grasp. God forbid the agony when we get to key-board shortcuts...oh help us!
Then after that i came back to my room and answered a bajillion emails. Some days i get none, and some days i get LOTS! I like the lots days! =)
Then i started to read my Bible again. Did you know some of that stuff in there is really funny? Like the story of Leah and Rachael? HA! Them trying to out-do each other by having more babies? And offereing their servents to have kids for them? It was like a Bible times Soap Opera! So funny! I bet when all that happened, God was up in Heaven shaking his head saying "Drama Drama Drama!"
Then i took a nap, cause that would be rude to myself to forego that part of my day. And i'm not a rude person, so i slept!
I took a one hour nap. It was great! My alarm went off at 6:00 which is when dinner is served. I layed in bed thinking, i could just sleep through dinner, cause i bet they are not even serving anything that good...and i would rather sleep now and eat some crakers later. Then i thought that i should go because i didn't want to be rude and hide away in my room all day. Then i thought, heck, who really cares! So i layed back down. Thinking that i would get another hour in before i got up in time for my new favorite South African soap opera! (side note: i have never EVER been into soap operas, but this one i find interesting cause it's half in afrikaans and half in they change mind sentance, so you are reading the english subtites and then they stop and then you realize they are talking in english and then as soon as you cath up with what they are saying, they are back to's facinating!) But, remember that lolipop sucker lady that just would not give up the other day? She came back...knocked on my door and said, "'s time for dinner!" I wanted to say "I'M A BIG GIRL...I KNOW HOW TO TELL TIME!...I KNOW WHEN DINNER IS!...STOP BEING MY MOM!...LET ME SLEEP GOSH DARN IT!!!" But instead i opened up my door and said, "Thanks friend!" **big fake smile on my face**
I took it as a sign that i was supposed to go to dinner. So i got my sweats on and went downstairs. Got some dinner and an apple, cause they thankfully had fruit tonight, and sat down. I took a small bite of my dinner and nearly spit it out. It was horrible! I think the meat was at LEAST 5 days old and had been cooked a few times before. It was awful! I pushed it away, as it had sort of a smell to it, and ate my apple and then waitined till the cook left the room (cause i don't want to hurt her feelings) and then threw it all away. Sadly, a lot of other students did the same, this is a regular habit for most of us.
I went back upstairs, wondering why i had even bothered to get out of bed. I contemplated going BACK to bed, but i knew that i had homework and that i could not ignore it and it would be nice to start it before 10pm. So i sat down just to check my email and guess what?!?! Mom was up and had responded to like 10 of my eamils and so i felt that it's only polite to respond right away! Right? Homework can wait.
Then by 7:00 one of the girls came in and reminded me that we had a dorm room girls prayer meeting. So i stopped and went in to the lounge. Everyone was not there and we ended up sitting there till 7:25 waiting till they came and that only left us with 5 minutes for our prayer meeting. Oh well...we got it all in and was only a little over time. Then we sat there and talked about girlie things and then guess was 8:00!!!! Generations! My new favorite soap was on! So i watched it with great intensity, trying to follow along, and at the end of te half hour, i could not even tell you one thing that happened...i was so lost trying to keep up...but it was great! I loved it! And i braided a friends hair..she is black..and black hair is awesome! I want black hair! You put it in a spot and guess what...IT STAYS THERE!!!! So cool!
Then i thought, "wait! I have homework! and a test tomorrow that i have to study for! and a test on monday that i have to study for!" so i left and went into my room. But i was thirsy so went downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee! And guess what.....they were playing UNO! Apparently they had called me and i was WAY TOO into my Generations to hear my phone ring. OH well. So i played 3 games. Won two of the three! Master, yes, you can call me UNO Master! Now, it's 10:30 and i am just getting back to my homework. Oh jeez.
Tomorrow, being Friday should be a good day! We have a girls going away party and a brithday to celebrate tomorrow night, so that should be fun. Sad that i have to miss church though! I kind of want to make a HAPPY BIRTHDAY/FAREWELL sign...but that would only prolong my homework for another hour or i think i won't.
I hope that you all are having a great week! Happy Thursday!
Hey, you native English speaker, you! Don't forget that Doctors have patience to deal with their patients, not the other way around.
And I'd stop being fake to the girl that knocks on your door for dinner. Just be polite and ask her to not remind you any more because you often like to nap through dinner. Don't go off at her and say you don't need a mom. :- )
And don't forget, she could be reading this. I would hate for someone to talk that way about me.
And for heavens sakes, are you going to sleep through your entire education??? 96 chapters behind in the Old Testament is not something to laugh at or sleep on...
Luke: i didn't go off at her...i was very nice to her. Maybe next time i will tell her not to remind me anymore. Thanks.
Tiesha: Thanks for the reminder. I know for a fact thashe is not reading this, but i will be more careful.
PS. i have turned in every assignment on time and gotten a 100% on all of them. I'm doing fine with my homework.
PS. i have turned in every assignment on time and gotten a 100% on all of them. I'm doing fine with my homework.
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