Saturday, February 13, 2010

what now?

You know, this whole school thing is kind of getting to me. I feel flustered and excited at the same time. I have only been in the REAL classes a week yet it feels like I have been doing them for a month! So far the homework is not too bad. It’s not easy, and there is a lot of it, but it’s not depressing me yet. It’s currently Saturday night at 10:15pm and I have not started my homework. I am planning on doing that after I am done here…but really….if I was honest with myself, I know I won’t till tomorrow.

Oh, funny story… So i had church last night and didn’t get back to my room till just after midnight. So today I slept in till 11:30. I was planning on going to a friend’s house at 1:30 so I didn’t want to start my homework and be interrupted. (notice how I justified my way out of doing homework…don’t worry, I see it too!) So I decided that since I nearly could not see my floor, I should clean my room. Plus I had a big bouquet of pretty yellow roses and lily’s from Daddy for Valentine’s Day and they were not shown the best welcome as they kind of just blended into the mess and didn’t stand out as they should have. I put everything on my bed and desk and vacuumed first. It needed it bad! Then I rearranged a few pieces of furniture and then got distracted. So even now, as I’m writing this, my bed is coved in “stuff” that needs to be put away. Most of it is my clean laundry that I never put away that now needs to be ironed before getting hung up. But at least my floor was super clean! So anyway, I went out with my friend and when I came back to my room I opened up my door and immediately thought “oh my gosh what happened!” and I had this thought that everything in my room was gone! Really…it was just clean. Shame on ME! I opened my door further to realize that everything was safely there…on my bed, in a heap. Ok…maybe that was just funny to me.

Tamsyn, my friend here, picked me up we went to the mall. She needed to figure out a present for her boyfriend for Valentine’s Day and also needed to pick up a few things. Then we went to her house and baked brownies and sugar cookies and decorated the cookies for Valentine’s Day. It was lots of fun! I didn’t get back to the college till 7:00. Then since I was back, UNO could start! I have them trained to wait for me! HA! And now I am here, writing this at my desk in my room.

Classes this week were fine. Nothing really exciting happens. It’s just class after class…assignment after assignment. One cool thing is that we have 5 periods each day. And most of the students have a free period somewhere in each day. With the classes that I take, I get the last period off everyday. (sort of. Thursday I have class, but the teacher said that I don’t have to come cause it’s just computers and he doesn’t even like having class 5th period so he said sometimes he might not even go. LOL!) So when we all break for lunch, I am done, while everyone else has to go back to class for one more period! I love it! I totally lucked out!

I know that I said I would explain PEP and PAP when I found out…and so here is goes. PEP is Personal Enrichment Program. Every Wednesday we meet as a class and learn…personal enriching things….whatever that is. It’s different every week. And PAP is Prayer and Accountability Partner. It is another classmate that we team up with that becomes our prayer partners for the year. Tamsyn is mine. So each Wednesday we have from 8:00 – 8:30 to meet and talk about how our week is going and to pray for each other. It’s pretty cool. We didn’t split up this last week as it was just an introduction class, but I am excited for it. We have that from 8:00am to 11:00am. Then we have Tea Time and then we have an actual class. We are doing English this year. It’s all about how to write a proper research paper. I think it will be interesting. However, having one class for 3 hours is NOT fun. I like the 50 minutes classes…not the 3 hour ones. We sit on wooden chairs all day…and my butt HURTS at the end of each day. Oh well…life goes on, right? So that is it…PEP and PAP. Oh Tamsyn and I made notebooks to keep track of our prayer requests. We decorated them the other day. It was super fun! They are beautiful. I didn’t get a picture of hers so I will wait to upload them till I have hers as well.

I’m running out of exciting things to say….this blog is getting harder! With classes getting kind of boring, I don’t have much to talk about.

Do you have any ideas? Anything you want to know? Anything you want to see that I can take pictures of?

1 comment:

Jenny Matthews said...

Ut Oh... are you getting spam comments? :(

Have a great week!!! xo