Friday was a good day! Classes went well, i took my Public Speaking UPE. (Unit Progress Evaluation) and i think i did ok. Not awesome, but i think i passed. It's hard cause Public Speaking is not something that i have common sense in, so if i don't know an answer it's hard for me to figure it out using logic. I was the first one finished with the test again. Still, i'm not sure if it's because i just am fast, or if i just got most of it wrong....that is the part that makes me the most nervous.
After lunch Leneeve and i, my friend/classmate just hung out and waited till our friend Posh was out of class. We all wanted to go to the mall because Leneeve and Posh wanted to go to the movies, and Chantel and Monica and i wanted to just walk around. Monica needed some things at Clicks anyways. (Clicks is like...Rite Aid) I was all excited to go and so i asked, who's driving? And that is when they told me that we were taking a taxi!!!! People....i'm not talking yellow cab's here. These are the vans that they stuff like 25 people into and drive around picking more and more people up along the way. I nearly backed out of the whole trip! They just laughed at me. I said, ok, since there will be 5 of us, i might be ok. I got up my courage and we startd to walk off campus to the bus station which is across the street.
We were almost to the gate of campus when Jolene, (my beach friend) pulled up and told us all to hop in! She drives a Golf. hhhmmmm...we did it! Monica was in front, Chantel and i and Posh were in the back and Leneeve was on Posh's lap! It was hilarious! We all got in and started to go and then Jolene said, oh yeah, and don't roll down the windows! HUH?!?!?! IT WAS HOT! Good thing the mall was only 5 minutes away! In my head, i was praising Jesus that we didn't have to take the taxi!
We wandered around the mall for a while. I got some flash cards for English class, Monica got her stuff. Posh and Leneeve ended up not going to the movies cause it was playing too late. So we got some ice cream and went home! However, we took a taxi home! It was an experience! I was nervous, and laughing, and scared and excited and ...uumm...did i say nervous?!?!?! I think there were only about 18 or so of us in there, so technically there was room left, but it felt so crammped! I made it back to the college safely! YAY!
I don't feel that i would choose to do that again, but if i was in a jamb and needed to go somewhere and i had minimum 5 friends with me...i could do it...maybe...
We had Chantel's Birthday planned and the farewell for Bronwyn, one of the staff members, for that evening. We had bought chips and sweets and biscutes (cookies) and Grace, one of the other stdents had gotten all the stuff for taco's! It was so nice having something American feeling! Taco's! YAY!
We all went around and told Chantel and Bronwyn what they meant to us, and then we had a little prayer and then ate and then turned the music on and started dancing! It was hilarious! Afer we were all tuckerd out, we put in the movie The Proposal and watched that. After it was over we lost a few girls to bed, but we still had one more movie, so we quickly cleaned up all the dishes and reorganized and then sat down for the next one. It was I Hate Valentines Day. I had never heard of it, but it has the same couple that did My BIG Fat Greek Wedding. I love that movie. This one was cute. Very predictable, but really cute.
Then we went to bed! I woke up at 9:30 to girls singing in the typical alarm on Saturdays! The sun was shinning right in my face and i noticed that there was NO WIND! It was SO HOT! That got me excited, so i got my work-out clothes on and went outside! I had my iPod and walked out to the school gate and then proceeded run around the school twice! (with a lot of walking in there too) It was great! I think that i got a little sun burnt, but that is ok, i am still just working on my base tan! I think my face is what got the most. Right now i have lots of tan lines on my shoulders so i need to try and get those to dissapear!
The rest of the afternoon i am not sure what is going to happen. I have to get some homework done. I have a test to hand in on Monday, so that needs to be done, and i have a lot of Bible reading to do. I am just glad it's a nice and sunny day!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
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